The World Premiere of Penny Jackson's The Battles of Richmond Hill, directed by Kathy Gail MacGowan, began performances at HERE (145 Sixth Avenue, enter on Dominick Street, one block south of Spring Street) on Friday, April 26 at 8:30pm.
The production, which will run through May 11, is being presented by 91 Central Productions in association with Anemone Productions and stars Jordan Ahnquist, Mac Brydon, Nora Chester, Kevin Gilmartin, lindsay Ryan, and Alan Safier with Set Design by David Goldstein, Costume Design by Debbi Hobson, Lighting Design by Kia Rogers, and Sound Design by Jacob Subotnick.
Tickets ($35 VIP; $25 General; $15 students & seniors) are available for purchase in advance at or by calling 212-352-3101.
Photo Credit: Emily Hewitt Photography
lindsay Ryan, Alan Safier, and Jordan Ahnquist
Nora Chester and Kevin Gilmartin