The production is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, featuring alumnae from the New School for Drama and will be directed by Elinor Renfield. The cast includes: Michael Goldlist, Betsy Aiello Sanders*, Mark Cajigao*, Vaishnavi Sharma, Patrick Williams, Gina Leon, Nate Faust, Dana Mazzenga, Connor Carew, Richard Joyce, Velson D'Souza, Lauren Salvo, and Noam Blanks. (*These actors are appearing courtesy of Actors' Equity Association.)
Showtimes are as follows: Wednesday Thursday and Friday 8:00 p.m.; Saturday 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.; Sunday 3:00 p.m. For additional information and tickets, visit
The famous writer - Mark Cajigao (Trigorin)
A rare tender moment between mother and son - Betsy Sanders (Arkadina) and Michael Goldlist (Treplev)
Masha (Gina Leon) and Paulina (Dana Mazzenga)
Paulina (Dana Mazzenga)
Medvedenko (Patrick Williams)
Masha (Gina Leon) and Sorin (Rick Joyce)
Old Friends! Dorn (Nate Faust) and Sorin (Rick Joyce)
Nina (Vaishnavi Sharma) and Treplev (Michael Goldlist)