BUZZ, Son of a actor's life for me is an effervescent new musical comedy that joyfully weaves together the lives of eight individuals. As they quest to find their home in the Theatre, they stumble upon an unusual catalyst...bees! A story full of heart, perfect for audiences of all ages, BUZZ, Son of a Bee gently reminds us that a life in the theatre can sting you, but can also be as sweet as honey.
Check out photos from the limited engagement below!
The cast has supported several bee conservation groups and apiaries, and our audience has harvested some delicious local honey, with more still to come...and we've donated tickets via VetTix, to support our Veterans, who have been terrific audience members. The feedback has been wonderful, with nearly full houses, and we're so looking forward to our (not) final four shows! Now through April 2nd at the Sargent Theatre, 314 W. 54th St. Find out more at and get tickets at Saving bees one song at a time (and actors too).
Photo credit: Eric Bandiero