Live From Planet Earth Productions will present a limited engagement of A New Television Arrives, Finally, an absurdist black comedy written by Kevin Mandel and directed by Kevin Kittle. Performances will run from September 6 - 30, 2007 at Theatre 54 (244 West 54 St.) in NYC. Previews begin September 6th for a September 10th opening.
"A New Television Arrives, Finally centers around an American couple visited by a charismatic man presenting himself as a television set. Is the handsome stranger a charlatan or a guru? And why is he awakening them from their spiritual slumber? A New Television Arrives, Finally is a hilarious and harrowing theatrical journey through the perils of entertainment-based reality, and the starving souls not yet sated by its sponsors," state press notes.
As a creative choice, the playwright and director have cast actors from different sides of the Atlantic in the dynamic role of 'Television',
offering audiences two distinct interpretations of the role. Performing on alternating nights will be American actor Tom Pelphrey (2006 Emmy Award Winner/Guiding Light) and British actor Victor Villlar-Hauser (The Pitchfork Disney & Dirty Works/Stiff Upper Lip, Sarah Kane's Cleansed/The Ohio). Also in the cast are Bryan Fenkart (EST Marathon 2007, subUrbia/Second Stage) and Kate Russell.
Visit for tickets. For more info on the show, visit
Photos courtesy of DARR Publicity
Kate Russell as Woman, Tom Pelphrey as Television and Bryan Fenkart as Man
Tom Pelphrey
Kate Russell, Tom Pelphrey and Bryan Fenkart