Phoenix Theatre Ensemble, a resident acting ensemble now in its 9th season, is presenting the musical improv group THE PETTING ZOO as part of its Greek-inspired "First Stories Festival" on Saturday evenings at 10:30 pm tonight, March 9, 16 and 23 at The Wild Project in Manhattan's East Village. In addition to THE PETTING ZOO, the "First Stories Festival" will include productions of Tauris, The Trojan Women, Parados, a double bill of dance and music, and the Phoenix production of Electra.
THE PETTING ZOO, the popular New York based musical improv group, presents sketch musical comedy taken from audience prompts and suggestions. For the First Stories Festival, audience suggestions will be limited to Greek-inspired characters and themes such as matricide, infanticide, patricide, blind psychics, the Medea syndrome, predestination and family curses, etc.
"Phoenix is viewed as a serious theatre company - maybe that should be SERIOUS in all caps," states Craig Smith, co-artistic director of Phoenix Theatre Ensemble. "This perception has only increased as we conclude our 3-year feminist exploration of the House of Atreus trilogy which included Iphigenia in 2011, Agamemnon Home in 2012, and now finishes with Electra in 2013. THE PETTING ZOO is a very welcome and timely addition to our spring rep," states Smith "and will provide some much needed laughs."
All performances will be at THE WILD PROJECT in the heart of New York's East Village at 195 East 3rd Street, the renovated 99-seat "green" theatre with eco-friendly features including recycled glass tiles, bamboo plywood, low flush toilets, rooftop solar panels and energy-efficient glass windows.
Advance discount passes and single tickets for Phoenix Theatre Ensemble may be purchased by calling 212-352-3101 or visiting Advance tickets are $20 or pay-what-you-can tickets are available at the door.
THE PETTING ZOO will perform on Saturday, tonight, March 9, and March 16 and 23 @ 10:30 pm. Running time 70 minutes. All performances take place at The Wild Project, 195 East 3rd Street (between Avenues A & B); Subway: F or V to 2nd Avenue or L to 14th Street.