THE OPEN BOOK and NUNKIE THEATRE COMPANY are pleased to announce the upcoming production of "OH, WHISTLE…," two ghost stories by M R JAMES and performed by Robert Lloyd Parry at the 78th Street Theatre Lab. "OH, WHISTLE…" plays Wednesdays through Saturdays at 7:30 PM, October 22nd through November 8th. In addition, performances of Lloyd Parry's 2007 M R James show, "A PLEASING TERROR," plays 10:00 PM on Friday, October 24th, 31st and November 7th. All single show tickets are $20. Friday double show tickets and group discounts are also available. To reserve tickets (cash, personal checks, or TDF vouchers only), call (212)362-0329, or visit for credit card purchases. The 78TH STREET THEATRE LAB is located at 236 West 78th Street, just east of Broadway.
This Hallowe'en, Robert Lloyd Parry brings a seasonal shiver to New York City with his retelling of two of the greatest tales by M R James, the master of the English ghost story. Oh, Whistle and I'll Come to You, My Lad—a tale of nocturnal horror on the Suffolk coast—is considered by many to be the author's masterpiece. It is beautifully complemented here by The Ash Tree, a story of witchcraft and vengeance down the generations. A PLEASING TERROR (Friday nights at 10 PM only) offers two additional James stories: Canon Alberic's Scrap-book and The Mezzotint.Every Christmas, Montague Rhodes (M R ) James (1862–1936) would write and perform new tales, to entertain friends in his rooms in King's College, Cambridge. A century later, these still have a special power to terrify and amuse. This unique interpretation gives New York theatregoers the opportunity to experience these eerie masterpieces in the manner in which they were originally enjoyed—as ghostly confections, told to a rapt audience.Photo Credit Ruth Horry