From today, July 24 to July 28, 2012 The New York Storytelling Festival brings together the country's best storytellers and storytelling producers for a week of heartache, laughter, and accounts of the human experience. The Tank welcomes Drawn Out Storytelling, Epic Win Burlesque's The Spoken Nerd, "True Story" with Moscow River Sharks, "My Bad" with Becky Flaum, Sideshow Goshko, "Using It" with Jen Saunders as well as special guests Kevin Allison, Ellie Pyle, and more!
The festival takes place at The Tank theater at 151 W 46th Street, 8th floor. Tickets are $5 online / $7 at the door. Visit and
Drawn Out Storytelling "Whose team am I on?"
Tuesday July 24 at 8:00pm
Each show we attempt to analyze some element of humanity through the personal narratives of four storytellers that have been illuminated by comic book artists and musicians. This show we take stories that pose the question: "Whose team am I on?"
We have stories from: John Flynn, Rachel Cole, Andy Christie, and Kevin Allison. With art from: Amedeo Turturro, Stephanie Manheim, Lena Chandhok, Pat Barrett, and Daniel McCool. And music from: Steven Lipschutz and Daniel Crowley. All hosted by the vulnerably sensual: Nisse Greenberg
The Spoken Nerd: Geeky Stories by Dorky People: EPIC FAIL
Wednesday July 25 at 8:00pm
The Spoken Nerd is a celebration of the great and noble art form of storytelling...but from a very geeky point-of-view. Each show has a theme and each invited guest story teller shares a true and personal story based on that theme. The stories are always explorations of the human condition immersed in tons of pop-culture. Both theatrical and intimate The Spoken Nerd strives to give a voice to the comic book/gamer/sci fi/science dork in all of us. But more than just stories, every show will have non-story artists! Practical science demonstrations, sideshow artists, string theory lectures, jugglers and Nerd Core Hip Hop will share the stage from time to time. And all of this will come together in an epic nerd stew of awesome.
"True Story" with Moscow River Sharks
Thursday July 26 at 7:30pm
Truth. Comedy. Beer on the cheap. All this and more as the Moscow River Sharks blur the lines between storytelling and improv comedy forever with True Story!
Ellie Pyle (Marvel Comics) tells a tale so dire! the Sharks shall create a world on fire! Improv allies GameFace do sets that inspire!
All this and More at TRUE STORY!
My Bad with Becky Flaum
Friday: July 27 at 7:30pm
Sideshow Goshko
Saturday July 28 at 7:30pm
More details TBA.