Alex Duncker (DoubleDecker Productions, NYC Fringe), has announced the New York premiere of Codependent, a fresh comedy by newcomers Julia Karis and Emily Rekstis. Directed by Elizabeth Callahan (Late Night at The Serpent, "AmericaLand!"), the play stars Kelly Hubbell (The Tiny Mustache, The Ballad of Cat Ballou) and Julia Karis (Falling & Loving), and will run from November 24-26, 2019 at Destiny Manifests (320 W 23rd Street).
"We're growing up okay, right?" Best friends Allie and Mia are down to their last 24 hours as roommates after living together for nearly a decade. In an apartment filled with moving boxes, booze, and nostalgia, Allie gears up to move in with her first serious boyfriend while Mia struggles to come out to her Mom. A day they thought they'd spend packing up their things quickly turns into the women unpacking their deepest underlying insecurities.
Hailed as "one of this year's standout offerings" and a "swift, funny, and heartfelt comedy" by Broadway World and a "fast-paced, brazenly funny and achingly real love story (if not the romantic kind)" by DC Theatre Scene, the all-female production played to sold out houses at its world premiere in Washington, D.C. last Summer where it took home 2019 Capital Fringe Festival's "Best Comedy" award.
Tickets for Codependent are on sale now. The performance schedule is Sunday November 24 at 2PM, Monday November 25 at 7:30PM, and Tuesday November 26 at 7:30PM.
Julia Karis & Emily Rekstis (Playwrights) These best friends think "playwrights" might be too generous a title to refer to themselves. They're much more comfortable with "bored roommates that decided to do something productive with the unhealthy amount of time they spent together." As a freelance writer and side-job hustling actor, Emily and Julia respectively found themselves with a lot of spare time and the need to do something creative. Serving as a two-person comedy duo for mostly themselves over the past eight years, they indulged in the most self-praising task someone can take on - writing a comedy about their relationship. For their first ever play-writing endeavor, they could never have imagined Codependent would become what it has! From selling out shows to winning Best Comedy at the Capital Fringe Festival, they are touched that so many people of all ages were able to relate to their fictionalized selves. But most importantly... that people laughed.
Alex Duncker (Producer) Hailing from beautiful Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Alex began her love affair with the performing arts at her local Western dinner theater. After progressing from showgirl to stage manager, she ventured east to pursue a Theatre degree from the University of Vermont. Now, having dabbled in film, toured nationally and expanded her technical skills to include light and sound design, Alex finds herself living that freelance life in the big apple. Recently, Alex has moved into the role of producer for independent theater works, developing a world premiere full-scale production over the summer and contributing to an original piece as part of the NYC Fringe Festival last fall. She is thrilled to partner with the Codependent team and work alongside some of her dearest friends to continue her career of working with women-led artistic endeavors.
Elizabeth Callahan (Director) Elizabeth is a New York based Director, actor, and comedian. She received a dual degree in Theater and English from The University of Vermont and has also trained at the Studio Theater, The Peoples Improv Theater, and The Magnet Theater. Most recently she directed the new play, "Late Night at the Serpent" for The New York City Fringe Festival, and co-produced and co-wrote the sketch variety show "AmericaLand!" at the PIT. Elizabeth is also a teacher and works with children in Manhattan and Brooklyn to devise theater, and direct productions. She is thrilled to be working with this all-female team to bring "Codependent" to life!
Kelly Hubbell (Allie) Kelly could not be more thrilled to be a part of the D.C. Fringe, surrounded by her friends and family. Kelly has been living and working in NYC after graduating Wagner College with Julia and Emily. She has also performed across the country in Jackson, WY where she met and became BFFs with Alex. She is thrilled to have two of her favorite worlds colliding to create this personal and ridiculously fun piece. Kelly would like to thank her family for their unwavering support and her friends for trusting her with this new and exciting adventure.
Julia Karis (Mia) Julia Karis is a New York City based actor originally from San Diego, California. She graduated from Wagner College in 2014 with a BA in Theater. Some of her favorite credits include Speech and Debate, Dog Sees God, Edna the Stomper, and The Three Penny Opera. Most recently she performed in Falling and Loving, a collaboration between Anne Bogart and Elizabeth Streb, which was part of the Peak Performance series at Montclair University. In addition she is a member of the Streb Espana flying trapeze team and performs with them at the Streb Lab for Action Mechanics in Williamsburg. Julia has also worked as a director and producer on several projects including A Little Room an original play that was part of the New York Theater Festival's winter fest and Songs for Fred, a cabaret that raised money and awareness for Huntington's Disease.