New York Live Arts (Live Arts) to present premier performance installation Dinner Party: 1960-2000s by Liliana Dirks-Goodman, March 10, 2019. Celebrating Women's History Month, the event explores feminist history and community building through the act of sharing a meal.
Set in the 2nd wave feminist movement, the work addresses trauma, body autonomy, and the erotic in an act of remembering that aims to empower participants to imagine a liberated future. The food and the table settings are designed as a riff on feminist artist Judy Chicago's "Dinner Party" to look at and be critical of advances in domestic life that have given women greater freedom and autonomy. Comfort food will be served by chef Kristin Worrall on place settings designed and fabricated by Liliana Dirks-Goodman. Dinner Party will end with a guided meditation led by Regina Rocke. A $400 level ticket includes one place setting, all pieces designed and signed by Dirks-Goodman, featuring: 1 bronze or white brass "Spordo" (spork), 1 "Quilt patch" embroidered napkin, and 1 white ceramic bowl.
Two Seatings of Dinner Party: 1960-2000s will take place at New York Live Arts (219 West 19th St New York, NY 10011) March 10, 2019 at 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Tickets start at $35/$50/$400 and can be purchased here.
Liliana Dirks-Goodman is a New York based artist. She has a Bachelors and Masters degree in Architecture. She co-organizes AUNTS performance events and makes installations and objects. These things have been seen and happened at the New Museum, chashama, Danspace Project, and Movement Research, among others. Most recently she was a SHIFT resident at the Elizabeth Foundation. She has taught workshops at both the New Museum and Whitney Museum in New York City.
Regina is an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, 500hr trained yoga teacher and Breathwork healer living in Brooklyn, NY since 2004. She received her Ayurveda and yoga teaching certifications from the Kripalu School of Yoga and Ayurveda in 2014 and trained with Breathwork healer and teacher David Elliot in 2017. @wolfmedicinemagic
Kristin Worrall is a pastry artist, performer and musician. / @kristinworrallbakes / @cushionstheband
Image: Spordo (spork) and Quilt patch embroidered napkin by Liliana Dirks-Goodman