New Village Arts announced that their next production will be Craig Lucas' Prelude To A Kiss to be directed by Delicia Turner-Sonnenberg and featuring NVA Ensemble Members Joshua Everett Johnson and Kristianne Kurner. The show will run from April 19th through May 18th, 2008
"Sometimes, a kiss isn't just a kiss." In this Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award nominated comedy by Craig Lucas, a whirlwind romance takes a startling turn at Rita and Peter's wedding when an uninvited guest congratulates the bride with a kiss. With this one kiss the couple embarks on a mystical journey, traveling through puzzling identities and hidden longings to find the pure connection of love.
"We have now cast a number of the roles in Prelude To A Kiss! Joshua Johnson and I are playing Peter & Rita, with Kathryn Herbruck as my mom, Tim Parker as Peter's best friend, Li-Anne Rowswell as Aunt Dorothy and Leah and Don Evans as Tom and the Minister. We are still casting Dr Boyle and Uncle Fred. Delicia Turner-Sonnenberg is directing, with Esther Emery doing the set design. It's such a beautiful play - a romantic comedy that isn't too "precious" or "sweet". Rehearsals start next week - no rest for us!" -Kristianne Kurner on the NVA Blog.Videos