The New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players, America's preeminent professional Gilbert & Sullivan repertory company, kicks off its 41st season with the political fairytale IOLANTHE (this weekend, November 7 & 8) at NYU Skirball Center for the Performing Arts (566 LaGuardia Place). The seventh collaboration between Gilbert and Sullivan, IOLANTHE is certainly not politics as usual! The affairs of state in fairyland take center stage and the tasty tunes take wing along with the non-stop hilarity.
Under the dynamic leadership of Artistic Director Albert Bergeret, The New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players has been hailed as "the leading custodian of the G&S classics" by New York magazine and has created its own special niche in the cultural mosaic of New York City and the nation. Since its founding in 1974, the company has presented over 2,000 performances of the G&S masterpieces throughout the United States, Canada and England, captivating audiences of all ages. NYGASP's productions are charged with engaging contemporary entertainment values while retaining respect for the famous duo's comedic and musical genius. The title role of IOLANTHE will be portrayed by Erika Person, with a cast including Jamie Buxton, Laurelyn Watson Chase, Brooke Collins, Michael Connolly, Alex Corson, Louis Dall'Ava, Lauren Frankovich, Chelsea Friedlander, Michael Galante, Merrill Grant, Daniel Greenwood, Katie Hall, Amy Maude Helfer, Alan Hill, Sarah Hutchison, James LaRosa, David Macaluso, James Mills, Lance Olds, Jennifer Piacenti, Sonja Rob, Chris-Ian Sanchez, Michelle Seipel, Peter Shaerf, Angela Christine Smith, Sarah Caldwell Smith, Seph Stanek, Laura Sudduth, Matthew Wages, David Wannen, Jason Whitfield.Pictured: NYGASP's 2012 production of IOLANTHE. Photo by William Reynolds.