Mission to (dit)Mars, a theatre arts collective serving Queens artists, is thrilled to kick off the 2019 Launch Pad reading series with THE LADIES ROOM, a new play by Sasha Sharova and directed by Christine Zagrobelny. This free reading will be performed on Monday, November 4th at 7pm at The Broom Tree Theatre located at 23-35 Broadway in Astoria, NY.
The greatest acts of kindness can always be found in a women's bathroom. But can they make up for everything that happens outside the bathroom's door? Sasha Sharova interrogates these questions in her often hilarious and touching new play THE LADIES ROOM.
On what inspired her to write THE LADIES ROOM, playwright Sasha Sharova explains "I think that moving through workplace structures and experiencing how workplaces are historically, and still at their core, are designed for men inspired me to tackle this play. I wanted to take that idea and put it in a context that is usually a safe haven for women. And that's how the play wound up taking place in a women's bathroom."
"This will be the first time I'm hearing the play in front of an audience and I'm really looking forward to experiencing that." Sasha offers. "Also, it's always so helpful and inspiring to hear actor's feedback and to talk through their experience of the play and what thoughts and experiences they can bring to it."
The evening is presented by Mission to (dit)Mars co-founders Kari Bentley-Quinn, Don Nguyen, Meredith Packer, and Laura Pestronk.
To attend the reading, please make a reservation on our website: http://missiontoditmars.com/reservations/