It's official: Mike Muntner, half of comedy sketch duo "Garbage Farts" and Quickiefest Video Show, is out, in favor of writer and actor Alex Estrada. Estrada's representatives confirmed the news late Wednesday evening during a simultaneous announcement about the wunderkind's upcoming comedy musical, "MAMET!"
Estrada, whose acting credits include USA Television's Mr. Robot, recently penned the stage shows "Branded Content Will Set You Free" and "The Scumbags of '77," which debuted to rave reviews at the UCB Theater in Hell's Kitchen.
"I am honored by this development," Estrada tweeted from his secret Instagram account, "and am confident I can fill Mike's shoes. In fact, I think I'll have to buy bigger ones." Estrada encouraged fans and followers to check out The Breakdown with Boris Khaykin at KGB's Red Room.
Meanwhile, Muntler has not indicated what his next projects will be, but sources close to the troubled former improvisor have reported that he hopes to solve the homeless problem in his Lower East Side neighborhood, "by any means necessary."