Messenger Theatre Company presents the New York premiere of the family friendly AS WE LIKE IT October 17- 27 at the IATI Theater (64 E. 4th St. New York, NY 10003). Conceived by Emily Davis and Sara Zimmerman, AS WE LIKE IT, is a playful two-woman adaptation of William Shakespeare's As You Like It directed by Eva Burges.
Performed by Emily Davis and Emily Hartford, AS WE LIKE IT features music, puppetry, dance and wrestling. While the text is exclusively Shakespeare's, Rosalind and Celia are two bored debutantes who perform the entire story themselves. Through their explorations and sports, they work out their fantasies about love, negotiate their complicated relationships with their fathers and sometimes just lounge around making crafts. All their world's a stage.
Messenger Theatre Company has performed at St Ann's Warehouse as part of the Puppet Lab. The company has been twice selected for the New York International Fringe Festival and for New York's Play Outside Festival. Messenger Theatre Company garnered acclaim at the Toronto, Edinburgh, Chicago, Wilmington and Winnipeg Fringe Festivals.
Ticket prices: $16