"My Six Parents" is Meg Buckner's story of many parents. Each has left their various marks: from adoption to divorce. Hospital visits to marriage. Doggy kisses to unwanted adult gazes. And even from one death to the other, the ironic
and morbid sense of humor that life has never ceases to amaze.
Meg has two birth parents whom she never met. She has two parents who adopted her. One stepfather, later legal father. And finally, one step mother who is shattered glass, trying to pick at her shards without bleeding out. Told through dance and theater, this is a story of pain, but mostly of memory and love.
Performance Dates:
Friday, August 10 @ 8pm
Sunday, August 12 @ 2pm
Venue: Sonnet Theater @ Producers Club
358 W. 44th St. NYC 10036
Ticket Information: $15 General Admission
FailSafe Festival is a five-day festival of live performance, taking place in the Times Square/Hell's Kitchen area of New York City. FailSafe Festival provides a space for artists to push beyond what they consider "safe" to present, giving them an opportunity to show work that may not have a home elsewhere. https://www.failsafefestival.com/