Loose Moon Productions Presents "I'll Take Manhattan!" -- in the Red Room (85 E. 4th St., between Bowery and 2nd Avenue) on October 2,3,4 and October 9,10,11 @ 7:30.
"I'll Take Manhattan" will feature final cut previews of three new films, "Private Eyes" by Sam Hayes, "Abigail" by Joe Quartararo and "Dinner on the Riviera" by T. D. White.. PLUS live performances of "The Mouse-trap," an 1889 one-act by William Dean Howells, and "The Banana Man", a one-act with "Buster Keaton" and "Samuel Beckett" as imagined by Don Nigro in 1964 with Fran Dirks (debut), Benjamin Foronda, Will Gallacher, Lou Matthews*, Sandra Rega (debut), Alicia St. Louis, Gargi Shinde, Stephen L. Smith (debut), T. D. White** Actors appear courtesy of Actors Equity AssociationReserve at www.aisletakemanhattan.com $16.Videos