In the Rise and Fall of a Teenage Cyberqueen, everyone in a small town is searching for something online. Love. Sex. Popularity.
What they don't realize is the internet is a masquerade. Video cams play tricks with your eyes. Online chat rooms strip away anonymity. Self-deception is disguised as the truth. Inevitably, cyberspace exacts a price when people are no longer able to hide.
Challenging and thought-provoking, Rise and Fall of a Teenage Cyberqueen takes a provocative, unflinching look at the internet and the impact of the image we project online. Exploring the dangers of cyberspace, this compelling play unravels the intertwining lives of a family, exposing their lies and tracking their downward spiral while shedding a light of compassion and wisdom.
Rise and Fall of a Teenage Cyberqueen is produced by LabRats Theater Company comprised of multidisciplinary artists committed to facilitating one another's artistic growth by sharing and developing original work through their weekly development series as well as their Experiment Sessions program, a twice year, full day free showing of their works in process.
Rise and Fall of a Teenage Cyberqueen opens officially tonight, February 28th, 2013 at the Access Theater (380 Broadway at White Street). This is a strictly limited run through March 17th, 2013.
Tickets for Rise and Fall of a Teenage Cyberqueen are available by visiting, calling (800) 838-3006 and at the box office of the Access Theater (on the day of the performance), located at 380 Broadway at White Street, NYC (2 blocks South of Canal) on the 4th Floor; N/R train or 1/6/A/C/E to Canal St. Ticket price is $18.00.