This one-man show written and performed by Seth Lepore, is a hysterical romp through America's spiritual enterprise. The show exposes the blurry line between self-help and faith. Yoga gurus, healthy chocolate peddlers and Buddhists with God complexes ego-triptheir way toward absurdity. Losing My Religion was one of the top 10 plays of 2011 according to the Twin Cities Daily Planet.
"Lepore comes across a lone, common-man hero...Possessing a rubber-faced ability to slide cleanly into character and deadly accurate powers of observation, Lepore's acting is integral to the success of [the piece] and worth the price of admission alone." Brattleboro Reformer
"Part of your brain is reminding you that this is a... show mocking exploitative "self-help" programs, but another part will be telling you to sign up for what the gurus are offering. That's the strange danger of these characters, and Lepore conveys it with a precise, polished, unfailingly entertaining performance." Twin Cities Daily Planet
Tickets available at or 212-868-4444.
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