"La Marie-Vison" tells the perversely fascinating tale of Marie, a transvestite prostitute who lives in elegant squalor with her dedicated servant. Every day, for eighteen years, Marie releases an exotic butterfly into the open fields of the living room. Every day for eighteen years the beautiful boy, imprisoned in her den, catches and kills it. The beautiful boy is tempted with visions of the outside world, free from the wiles of wicked Marie, but maybe the boy wasn't made for the outside world. Maybe none of us were.
In 1967, Terayama Shuji and his experimental theater troupe, Tenjou Sajiki, first premiered the story of "La Marie-Vison" in Tokyo, Japan. The shocking piece was then translated into English, reworked and brought to NYC in collaboration with Ellen Stewart and La Mama Experimental Theater in July of 1970. This theatrical production has not been performed again in the U.S. until now! Over 40 years later, Kipuka Theater, using Don Kenny's original 1970 translation and scholarly references from "Unspeakable Acts" written by Carol Fisher Sorgenfrei, brings to life Terayama Shuji's eclectic band of characters!
Restrictions: Admittance restricted to persons 18 years of age and over. This show contains nudity and graphic sexual situations.
Cast: Doug Barron - Marie (a male prostitute in his prime), Jon L Peacock - Servant (good old Erich von Stroheim), Michael-Ray Carter - Beautiful Boy (a beautiful boy), Christie Carter - Girl (a beautiful girl), Brian Vaughan - Nameless Sailor (a tattoo of a snake looks good on him), Pierce Delahunt & Sebastiani Romagnolo -Poets 1 & 2 (it's all right to call them sodomites)
Directors: Andrew Valentine and Caitlin Michener, Dramaturgist: Lani Sidman, Costume Designer: Tanyah Tavorn and Music and Sound Creator: Brian Kirchner
Performance Dates: May 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24 & 26
Performance Times: Box office and doors open at 7:00pm. Show begins at 8:00pm. No late seating.
Ticket Prices: $20 - General Admission, $15 - 30 years of age & under and $10 - Students with a valid student I.D. Seating is limited, so purchasing tickets in advance is highly recommended. Tickets may be purchased online at www.kipukatheater.com
Location: 319 Scholes - 319 Scholes Street Brooklyn NY 11206, located between Waterbury and Bogart Street. Approximately 2 blocks from Montrose Avenue (L)
Venue Information: Established in 2009 in the heart of Bushwick, 319 Scholes is a 3,000 sq. ft gallery space used for exhibitions, workshops, and live performances.
Company Information: In 2005, four graduating artists and friends from the University of Hawaii at Manoa came together to form Kipuka Theater. The company has since grown as members have joined the collective to continue their studies and to create theater art in both Hawaii and in New York. Focusing on art that is mindful of its environmental and cultural impact, we aim to push many of the boundaries that have been set by the theater community. KipukaTheater.com was officially created in January 2012 as a way of archiving and strengthening the work of original members and inspiring new artists to join our creative forum.
Kipuka Theater is the source for new beginnings and we are a company of artists dedicated to the alchemy of art through the sharing of ideas and skills that contribute to our work. We are a not-only-for-profit "community's theater" that aims to showcase an art form that is designed by inspiration, innovation and artist support, and all for the purpose of igniting public ideas and movements through our progressive theatrical forum.
Past productions include Chains, Dr. Faustus, Last 5 Years, Inugami, The Yellow Boat and FaustX. For more information about Kipuka Theater, please visit www.KipukaTheater.comVideos