Produced by Christopher Carter Sanderson, in Association with Gorilla Rep, KNB - The Musical, with book, lyrics & music by Christopher Carter Sanderson will be part of the 2008 New York International Fringe Festival.
"KNB - The Musical is a romantic musical comedy set in the current war among the members of a US Navy Reserve Boat Unit. The unit ponders deployment while a Boatswains Mate wonders what is making life truly miserable. Fun music, dance & wonderful New York actors make for a toe-tapping evening.KNB stands for "Kuwait Naval Base," where Sanderson has been stationed for the past year. He will be home in late June, to put up the musical, set in a unit much like his own, with the help of Music Director & Arranger Allison Tartalia, Choreographer Erin Porvaznika & Stage Manager Alexis Qualls."Future royalties from KNB - The Musical have been pledged to help Gorilla Rep projects," Sanderson stated, "so we hope the Fringe run will be the start of great things for KNB - The Musical."Videos