Picoult's musical adaptation of the book "Between the Lines" which she co-wrote with her daughter Samantha Vanleer arrives off-Broadway in June.
In this intimate conversation STOPTIME:Live in the Moment host Lisa Hopkins speaks with NY Times best selling author Jodi Picoult about her creative process, the importance of stewardship and her new passion for collaboration and writing for the musical stage. Jodi and collaborator playwright Timothy Allen McDonald created the musical Breathe was written in real time during the pandemic and also wrote a novel under quarantine. "Wish You Were Here" will be released in stores in November, 2021 and her musical adaptation of the book "Between the Lines" which she co-wrote with her daughter Samantha Vanleer arrives off-Broadway in June. Listen to the conversation below!
Listen to the conversation below!
Jodi is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of twenty-seven novels. Her books have been translated into thirty-four languages in thirty-five countries. Four of her novels - have been made into television movies including My Sister's Keeper starring Cameron Diaz. Her novel SMALL GREAT THINGS has been optioned for motion picture adaptation and is set to star Viola Davis and Julia Roberts. Her two Young Adult novels, Between The Lines and Off The Page, co-written with her daughter Samantha Van Leer, have been adapted and developed by the authors into a musical entitled "Between The Lines" which is expected to premiere Off-Broadway later this year.