Inspired by a real-life incident, the show explores a community's decision to allow a trans spirit access to the land of the dead.
Jermaine Rowe's One Man show "Transition" will present on January 31 - February 03. Using dance, music, projection design, storytelling and a live DJ Transition (DJgazatwin) audiences will be invited into a contemporary Jamaican A Ni-night - a folkloric ritual usually performed on the 9th Night after the passing of a family/community member -(wake).
In his work, Jermaine Rowe explores a community's decision to allow a Trans spirt access the land of the dead. The work is inspired by real life incident of a trans woman who was killed in Jamaica after going to a dancehall party in female presenting clothes.
The work features a 15min pre-show Ni-Night installation featuring Earla Duana, Yoshihiro Takemasa, Jabokie Mattis, Dean Robinson and Johnnoy Johnson. Lighting by LW Miller. Additional Composition support by Alan Clauss. Photography by Hector Malave.
Tickets range from $15-$25.