"The Pearl Diver" is a magical tale about a young girl and a sea dragon. It was first known as the subject of a Noh, a medieval musical. In the spring of 2012 the story could be seen on illustrated scrolls at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. This production incorporates poetry, song, dance and live music.
Kabuki began in the 1600s. All-female troupes performed both male and female roles in comic scenes about everyday life.
Noh, began in the 1300s. It often features masked characters, and requires strict training by the actors and musicians. Both are still performed today as a celebration of tradition.
This contemporary production will draw on those rich traditions, but also employ updated theatre practices. The artists hope this blending of both old and new will make it exciting for American audiences.
Whether it is Japan or the United States, we experience similar things. The artists hope to bring legends from around the world to young audiences through song, dance, and spoken word. They chose to put on the play this summer to encourage cultural exchange.
Book By: E. Thomalen
Music By: Edward W. Hardy
Director/Choreographer: Andrea Andresakis
Associate Director/Choreographer: Liz Piccoli
Cast: Sy Chounchaisit, Donald Chang, Daniel Genalo, Edgar Eguia, Kristi Ng, Paolo Solis, Vivake Khamsingsavath, Abrielle Kuo, Zoe Lau, Lester Kim, Tan Taofa
Music Director/Violinist: Edward W. Hardy
Set Design: Mary Hamrick
Costume Design: Laura Kung
Lighting Design: Patrick Bakalli
Stage Manager: Cheyanne Christopher
The performances will be:
9pm on August 29, 2016; 6:15pm on August 30, 2016; and 3:30pm on September 3, 2016
at the Hudson Guild Theater, 441 W. 26th St, NYC, NY