A number of notable productions are screening this week through Sunday as part of the 2020 Voices International Theatre Festival, produced by the Jersey City Theater Center (JCTC).
Here are a few highlights from among the 24 productions from 20 countries being show as part of the 10-day event. Visit www.jctcenter.org for details.
- "The Tin Ring" (ENGLAND) - By Zdenka Fantlová, adapted by Mike Alfreds and Jane Arnfield. A dramatization of the true-life story of Holocaust survivor Zdenka Fantlová, performed by Arnfield, and directed by Alfreds. One-woman performance in English. Recorded performance. Sat Oct 24, 10am, talk-back with Arnfield following performance ($10)
- "Antigone" (ESTONIA/IRAN) - RAAAM Theater Group (producer) adapted by Iranian exile Ghanizadeh, written in Estonian, this censored work in Farsi and Estonian was produced with Estonian actors from RAAM Theater Group. Modern adaptation of Sophocles. Recorded performance with subtitles. Sat Oct 24, 4pm ($10)
- "Mönster Outside," (USA) - Sidra Bell Dance. The award-winning, New York based choreographer by Sidra Bell, who calls herself a movement illustrato, performs a piece about the nature of outliers and constructed self-identity. Performance dance. Recorded performance. Sat Oct 24, 7:30pm ($10)
- "Chernobyl... At the Beginning and the End of Time" (RUSSIA) - Roman Viktyuk Theatre. Winner of the 2016 Golden Mask, conceived and directed by Roman Viktyuk. A family lives in the exclusion zone in Chernobyl following the nuclear disaster of 1986. Ensemble performance. Recorded, in Russian with English subtitles. Sun Oct 25, 10am ($10)
- "Myth," (ISRAEL) - Matara (producer). A play by Iddo Netanyahu. An examination of the conflict of our times between society's self-declared elites and its populace. Classic chamber theatre format, Recorded performance, in Hebrew with subtitles. Sun Oct 25, 2pm ($10)
Nearly all of the 24 productions being seen will have talk-backs with the artists immediately following the broadcast of their productions, giving audience members ample opportunities to engage with artists from around the world.
"We are proud of our partnership with Jersey City, the Golden Gateway of America which has one of the highest concentrations of ethnic groups by population density in the country," says Olga Levina, founding artistic director of JCTC. "Our mission is to be an annual festival that is as local as it is global."
Ranan's production of "Shunya Se" from India, conceived and choreographed by Vikram Lyengar, with co-choreographers Debashree Bhattacharya and Sohini Debnath, has a new screening time. Sat Oct 24, 9pm ($10) (NEW TIME)
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