Based on the original Hans Christian Andersen version (Not the Disney Movie), this adaptation of The Little Mermaid was written by 16-year-old Geneva Foster-Narvaez, a student at the Harlem School of the Arts. Geneva has been writing, she says, ever since she can remember and has loved the story of The Little Mermaid since she first saw the movie.
Inspired by current socio-political and peer-to-peer issues, she has put her own spin on the story of the youngest and prettiest of six mermaid sisters. The story, as written by Andersen, tells of the young mermaid's infatuation with the human world. On her 15th birthday, she is allowed to go to the surface where she spots a young Prince. Unable to forget him and consumed by love for the young Prince, she willingly gives up everything that makes her unique, to assume a human form in hopes that he would fall in love with her - the result is tragic.
The Little Mermaid is more than a fairytale and more than a love story. This version, as reconstructed by Geneva draws from the original but conveys key messages that are timeless - remain true to yourself, never denying your roots, and the perils that exists, when one becomes consumed by things that require you to alter who you are.
This classic, written more than 200 years ago hits at the core of what makes each of us special and reminds us that decisions we make have consequences. Those consequences can impact our lives and the lives of others. "At its heart, it is a story about loving yourself, as you are, and it is about cherishing your roots," says Geneva.
Four performances remain, January 11-13, 2019.
Teaching Consultants:
Naija Delong
Madison Malachi
Mia Brito
Rain Jack
Group Tickets (10+), Students and Seniors (must show ID), $15 ($16.52 e/service fee)
General Admission - $20 ($21.69 w/service fee)
Advance Sales -
Day of the Show/Door, $25 ($26.87 w/service fee)
HSA Theater, 645 Saint Nicholas Avenue, NYC 10030
(212) 926-4100