Performances run October 18-23
The Joyce Theater Foundation brings an ultra-modern blend of North African tradition and interdisciplinary dance to the stage with Näss. Based in his own ancestry and dance training, choreographer Fouad Boussouf's Joyce debut will play The Joyce Theater from October 18-23. Tickets, ranging in price from $10-$55, can be purchased at, or by calling JoyceCharge at 212-242-0800. Please note: ticket prices are subject to change. The Joyce Theater is located at 175 Eighth Avenue at West 19th Street. For more information and to read about The Joyce Theater's detailed health and safety protocols, including required face-coverings and proof of vaccination policies, please visit
Blending the seemingly vastly different practices of hip-hop, contemporary, and new circus with traditional forms of his native Morocco into a cohesive and impactful style all his own, Fouad Boussouf makes his Joyce debut with his evening-length work Näss. Meaning "people" in Arabic, the piece sits at the crossroads of frenetic modernity and ancestral rituals, inspired by the mysticism of the Gnawa tradition of native Moroccan people and the North African regional dances of taskiwine and reggada. In Näss, Boussouf and his company of dancers explore his highly personal roots while delivering a universal message about the power of community in the midst of struggle and strife.