Experimental Bitch Presents (EBP) announces their upcoming workshop production of In the Kitchen this October. The production will inaugurate EBP's Full Access Residency at the historic Access Theater for the 2019-2020 season. Performances will take place on October 25th, 26th and 27th in The Gallery.
A special VIP performance will take place on October 26th in collaboration with the Israeli non-profit, Women Cook.
In the Kitchen is a community-based performance that uses live cooking, oral story-telling, movement and music to explore Arab-Jewish womanhood by bringing women's stories and cultural labor to the public sphere. The piece focuses on themes of domesticity, femininity, and the stereotype of being "in the kitchen."
Created by Hannah Goldman, In the Kitchen is inundated with questions of diaspora - what does it mean to bring there - here? Where do the words "Arab" and "Jewish" meet? The piece addresses the violence of colonial erasure while offering healing through the power of food, which knows no borders and wins the hearts, minds, and bellies of all who consume it. The audience is invited to listen to a tapestry of testimonies, watch live performance, eat and drink traditional dishes, and talk to each other in a communal setting.Experimental Bitch Presents (EBP) is an assembly of artists dedicated to building community and creating experimental theater that disrupts, engages, and redefines the process of art-making. We work with artists to cultivate a network of trust, an environment for risk-taking, and a nurturing of ideas that haven't yet had the resources to be fully realized. We empower women and queer artists to be leaders of the creative process from development to production. Experimental because we embrace controversial questioning and artistic innovation. Bitch because we are femme, queer, loud and proud! Presents because we produce feminist, performative works that encourage action and conversation.
In the Kitchen runs October 25, 26 and 27 at Access Theater, 380 Broadway New York, NY 10013. Subways: A/C/E/1/2/N/Q/R/W to Canal Street.
Tickets are $10 for students/seniors/artists/veterans, $15 for general admission and are available at https://www.artful.ly/store/events/19111.
Disrupt. Engage. Redefine.