Ensemble Studio Theatre (EST) (William Carden, Artistic Director, Sarah McLellan, Executive Director) and the Radio Drama Network (Melina Brown, President) announced today the lineup for the 37th Marathon of One-Act Plays. This year's selection of fifteen plays were chosen from 1120 submissions. They will be presented across three different series from Sunday, May 12, 2019 through Saturday, June 29, 2019."
Now held biennially, the Marathon has been a landmark New York theatre festival since 1977. Praised by critics and beloved by audiences, it launched an industry-wide revival of the short play form, breaking new ground by putting emerging and established writers together on one stage. John Patrick Shanley, Romulus Linney, Julia Cho, Taylor Mac, Wendy Wasserstein, and John Guare have all premiered new work at the festival, while recently produced Marathon playwrights include Clare Barron, Christopher Shinn, Robert Askins, Bekah Brunstetter, Leah Nanako Winkler, Anna Ziegler, and Lloyd Suh. Martyna Majok was awarded the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Cost of Living, a play which originated in the 2015 Marathon of One-Act Plays.
Series A will begin on Sunday, May 12 and conclude on Saturday, June 1:
The Lepers by Daniel Damiano
Directed by Matthew Penn
I'm So Sorry by Amy Fox
Directed by Morgan Gould
Tricycle Backflip by Dan Giles
Directed by Matt Dickson
Rosie by Lily Houghton
Directed by Danya Taymor
Low Power by Jon Kern
Series B will begin on Tuesday, May 28 and conclude on Monday, June 24:
Tempo by Harron Atkins
Directed by Colette Robert
Oh My, Goodness by Cayenne Douglass
Directed by William Carden
Privilege by Susan Kim
The Extinctionist by Amanda Quaid
Directed by Pamela Berlin
The Guard Will Escort You to the Ruff-Ruff by Carole Real
Directed by Will Pomerantz
Series C will begin on Sunday, June 9 and conclude on Saturday, June 29:
Jesus in Manhattan by Kate Atwell
Directed by Linsay Firman
Fall by France-Luce Benson
The Tourists by Stephen Brown
Directed by Courtney Ulrich
I Believe in a Republic in Which Money has a Great Deal to Say by Julia Specht
Directed by Jamie Richards
Mandarin Duck by Lloyd Suh
The creative team for the 37th Marathon of One-Act Plays will include scenic designer Frank Oliva (The Merry Wives of Windsor), lighting designer Greg MacPherson (Killer Joe), sound designer Almeda Beynon (Dido of Idaho), costume designer Izzy Fields (Till We Meet Again), and props designer Caitlyn Murphy (Travisville).
Casting and additional directors will be announced at a later date.
Tickets are $25 for a single performance, with a 3-series pass available for $60. Student and senior tickets are available for $20. Tickets are on sale now at ensemblestudiotheatre.org.
Performance dates and times vary-please check ensemblestudiotheatre.org for more information.