Gadfly Productions presents EIGHTBALLS: a cocaine comedy written by C. J. Thom, featuring Frankie Ferrara, Josh Iacovelli, Casey Kruger, and C. J. Thom, and directed by Michael LoPorto
A comedy about four twenty-something guys who try to party like rock stars. Friendships (as well as brain cells) are tested & the four end up seeing the world in a very different light. Major drug use, wanton violence, off-kilter rapping & misdirected urination.
DATES: May 15 – 31, 2008
TIMES: Thurs - Sat @ 8pm, Fri, 5/23 @ 10:30pm,
(no show Fri, 5/30)
THEATRE: The Green Room ~ 45 Bleecker Street
RESERVATIONS: Telecharge (212)239-6200
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