Deaths Head Theatrical, New York's most unique interactive theatre company, recently announced that they would finally hold public performances of their acclaimed show. The show recreates a Victorian Parlor Seance exactly as performed by the mediums of the period. The intimate performance seats only 25 people and only 150 people will get to experience over the 2 night run at the Morris-Jumel Mansion in New York City.
Deaths Head is made up of interactive theatre artists, historians, magicians, and directors who have been presenting these type of performances across the country.
"This has previously been invitation only affairs" said a Deaths Head spokesperson "but we have adapted the performance for a New York audience and we are excited to bring this very special show to you."
The production will perform in the Morris-Jumel Mansion on January 23 and 24th with 3 performances each night. Guests are invited to explore the mansion before and after the performance. Tickets for the show are $25 and can be purchased online at Get all the latest at @deathsheadpr on Twitter.
About Deaths Head: Founded in 2008, Deaths Head Theatrical has been at the cutting edge of unique interactive theatre. They have been a silent partner in the development of many shows across the county. Deaths Head's unique style and voice is it's attributed to it's rotating creative team of theatre artists, historians, magicians, and designers.
About Morris-Jumel Mansion: The Morris-Jumel Mansion recently celebrated it 250th birthday and continues to be the oldest mansion in New York. It is considered one of the most haunted locations on the east coast and is a National Historic Landmark and museum.