Commercial Interruption, the new solo show from Todd Bieber (UCBComedy, Brooklyn Found Film), returns to the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre (307 W. 26th Street) at 8pm on Jan 18th at 9:30PM.
Tickets are $5
About the artist: Todd Bieber used to make shitty local commercials in rural Pennsylvania. And he was great at it. Come hear the true stories, watch the final commercials, see the outtakes, and find out how these ridiculously horrible commercials got made.
Commercial Interruption was written by and stars Todd Bieber. Todd writes and directs videos - mostly comedy and documentary, or some combination of the two. He is currently Director of Content and Production for UCB Comedy. Previous to this he worked at the Onion News Networks during their Peabody Award winning year. One time Todd found a role of film in Brooklyn that led him on a worldwide search for the owner. His video/film work has been watched over 25 million times. Nate Dern (UCB’s artistic director) directs.