The ensemble cast includes James Edward Becton (Tyler), Jason C. Brown (Thurston), Kendrick Mitchell (Simon), Jason Nadal (Noah), and more.
MorPi Productions in association with Chain Theatre has finalized casting for the workshop production of Members of the Choir, a new full-length drama by Evan Edwards. The play will be presented at the Chain Studio Theatre, 312 West 36th Street, 4th Floor on October 22 and 23 at 8pm and October 23 at 2pm.
The ensemble cast includes (in alphabetical order) James Edward Becton (Tyler), Jason C. Brown (Thurston), Kendrick Mitchell (Simon), Jason Nadal (Noah), Kwame Michael Remy (Derrick), Ryan Rodiño (Jake), Paul Trenier (Mark) and Nick Varricchio (Chris).
Members of the Choir centers on a group of close-knit gay men of color at a fortieth birthday party on New Year's Eve. While attending this milestone gathering, they attempt to navigate the complexities of modern gay relationships. Unexpected events force each man to confront the reality of what he has and fight for what he actually wants.
MotC is directed by Rick Hamilton with Stage Manager Morgan Johnson, Lighting Designer Callie Stribling and Covid Safety Manager Mary Lauren.
Tickets are available to the public free of charge, however reservations are required. RSVP at
(In accordance with NYC regulations, all cast, crew and staff are vaccinated and all audience members must provide proof of vaccination upon arrival)