Caps Lock Theatre, an NYIT-Award nominated theatre company founded by "Person of the Year" Mariah MacCarthy, will present Pussyfest Redux, tonight, February 9th and the 10th at Joria Productions (260 West 36th Street between 7th and 8th Avenue). The two evenings will feature monologues about the body, written for femaleidentifying or female-bodied actresses, as well as some live music by female musicians.
Actors: Lindsey Austen. Virginia Baeta. Dana Berger. Becca BlackwelL. Becky Byers. Hanna Cheek. Louiza Collins. Leah Dietrich. Susan Ferrara. Kim Gainer. Zoe Geltman. Ana Grosse. Lauren Hennessy. Homa Hynes. Sarah E. Jacobs. Sheila Joon. Yeauxlanda Kay. Jocelyn Kuritsky. Catherine LeFrere. Sarah Lemp. Parker Leventer. Joey Liao. Sevrin Anne Mason. Sarah Matteucci. Allyson Morgan. Romy Nordlinger. Diana Oh. Briana Packen. Laura Ramadei. Stacey Raymond. Emily Rupp. Elizabeth Seldin. Sarah Shaefer. Chet Siegel. Samantha Soule. Diana Stahl. Alexis Thomason. Sarah Todes. Anna Van Valin. Kristen Vaughan. Miranda Wilson.
Writers include: Rob Askins. Micheline Auger. Kari Bentley-Quinn. Emily Bohannon. J. Stephen Brantley. Zack Calhoon. Ruben Carbajal. Nat Cassidy. J. Julian Christopher. Alexis Clements. James Comtois. Josh Conkel. Cecilia Copeland. Fernanda Coppel. Kim Davies. Libby Emmons. Susan Ferrara. Cynthia Flowers. Zoe Geltman. Lucy Gillespie. Yeauxlanda Kay. Jenny Lane. David Lawson. Brandon Marianne Lee. Judith Leora. Mariah MacCarthy. Maya Macdonald. Daniel McCoy. Nicole Pandolfo. Marisel Polanco. Mac Rogers. Christine J. Schmidt. August Schulenberg. Louise Schwarz. Elizabeth Seldin. Sarah Shaefer. Diana Stahl. Tatiana Suarez-Pico. Daniel Talbott. Jona Tarlin. Leah Nanako Winkler.
Directors: Heather Cohn. Nic Grelli. Sherri Kronfeld. Kyle Metzger. Christina Roussos. Leta Tremblay. Nicole Watson. JorDana Williams.
Musicians: Diana Oh. Emily Rupp. Reema Zaman. Jody Christopherson and the Vagina Choir.