This perennial audience favorite tells the story of a pirate named Frederic, who at the age of 21, has completed his apprenticeship and is ready to seek his fortune as an upstanding citizen. Wasting no time, he falls in love with the beautiful daughter of a local Major General...but is thwarted by the discovery that he was born on February 29th. With a Leap Day birthday, he's only 5, not 21, which means he's still a pirate!
The Blue Hill Troupe is the only musical theater group in New York City to donate its net proceeds to charity. Proceeds from the company's 2016-2017 will benefit Rocking the Boat.
At Rocking the Boat, a nonprofit organization in the South Bronx, students work together to build wooden boats, learn to row and sail, and restore local urban waterways, revitalizing their community while creating better lives for themselves-the perfect charity match with "The Pirates of Penzance."
The Blue Hill Troupe's production of "The Pirates of Penzance" is directed by Carl Schmehl with music direction by William Remmers. The production features Maya Anand, Larry Beers, Lesley Berry*, Heather Denny, Julia Farina, Eva Giorgi, Rachel Goodman, Johnny Hager, Erik Hanson, Casey Keeler, Douglas Kiddie, John Leonard, Michael Macaione*, David Pasteelnick, Gregory Peterson, Allison Prince, Rebecca Rozzoni, Charlie Schlangen, Scott Richard Smith, Suzanne R. Taylor, Neal Young*, Julianne Wieboldt, Paul Mitchell Wilder, and Cynthia Whitman. (*Appearing courtesy of Actors' Equity Association.)
Blue Hill Troupe Presents
Gilbert & Sullivan's "The Pirates of Penzance"
Nonprofit Troupe's 93rd Season to Benefit Rocking the Boat
November 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19 at 7:30 PM
November 12, 19 at 2:00 PM
November 13 at 3:00 PM
At The Theatre at St. Jean's, 184 E. 76 Street (between Lexington & 3rd Aves)
Tickets: $29.50 - $100.00 (Payment in excess of $20 per ticket is tax deductible to the extent provided by law). Tickets can be purchased at
Every year since 1924, the Blue Hill Troupe has come together for a season of revelry celebrating its three great passions: Theater, Charity and Community. The Troupe's efforts are rooted in a tradition of performing a Gilbert & Sullivan operetta, and the group also presents a musical theater production as well as a concert series. Since its inception in 1924, the Blue Hill Troupe has donated over $4 million to New York City charities.
For more information about the Blue Hill Troupe, visit, and @BlueHillTroupe.