Blue Box Productions is pleased to announce its new Sticky season. Since 2003, Blue Box has produced over one hundred new 10-minute plays in this innovative, audience acclaimed series. Staged all around the bar in Bowery Poetry Club and intermixed with dance and comedy, Sticky is the rock show of the downtown theater scene. Show times are Saturday, September 13th 8-9:30 pm and Friday September 19th 7-9:30 pm, at Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery between Houston and Bleecker. Tickets are $8 at the door. for more info.
Stories of the eternal war against roaches, rough nights with vanilla milkshakes, aspiring actors trying to get laid, high stakes Wall St. office pools, discovering your mom on internet porn, and presidential press briefings all come to life in one of downtown's chillest performance venues. Sticky, is back for another season, with the following performances: September 13th & 19th, October 31th & November 1st, and February 20th and 27th. Blue Box is accepting submissions for the upcoming dates, so check the website for details.Short plays are performed throughout the room, the audience is part of the setting, part of the party. The night starts when the audience arrives, they come to drink, they come to laugh, they come to have fun. With a quick introduction and a shift in the lights, any corner of the room suddenly becomes a back drop for drama, comedy, dance or cabaret, flowing seamlessly together with intermissions throughout the night. Based on the idea that theater is first and foremost “being in a room with people,” Sticky blurs the line between the artistic and the social, proving at every moment that anything that can happen can happen in a bar.Videos