Bad Quarto Productions, a theatre company specializing in performing modern theatre using Shakespearean staging techniques, has announced the company for its upcoming production of Cupid's Revenge, an early 1600s play by Shakespeare's contemporaries John Fletcher and Francis Beaumont.
Cupid's Revenge will be directed by California-based director Angelina Labarre, who is also a professor at Contra Costa College. LaBarre's recent directing credits with CCC include Exit, Pursued By a Bear, The Laramie Project, Almost, Maine, and The Complete Works of
William Shakespeare Abridged. Other CA directing credits include The Merry Wives with Big Idea Theatre, Julius Caesar with Darkroom Productions, and Twelfth Night, The Sea Voyage, and The Merry Wives of Windsor with Roving Shakespeare. Angelina holds an MFA and an M.Litt. in Shakespeare and Performance from Mary Baldwin University's partner program with the American Shakespeare Center.
Musical direction is by James Overton, who has appeared in Bad Quarto's recent productions of The Life and Death of
Jack Straw, Hamlet: The First Quarto, and The Taming of a Shrew. Overton studied drama and music composition at Bennington College in Vermont prior to moving to New York, and is an accomplished singer and guitarist.
The cast of Cupid's Revenge features Sabrina Robinson as Bacha; Ivy Tinker as Cupid, Zoylus, and Hero; Lindsay Fabes as Cleophila and Urania; Liz Lodato as Dorialus and Urania's Maid; Alex Dabertin as Leucippus; James Overton as Telamon and the Priest of Cupid; Travis Burbee as Agenor; Brandon Fox as Leontius; Marcella Pereda as Ismenus and Bacha's Maid; Analiese Puzon as Timantus; April Simpson as Hidaspes; and Jane Coty as Nisus. Citizens, soldiers, and servants played by members of the company. Most of the cast play multiple roles in accordance with Shakespearean staging practice.
Cupid's Revenge will play at 353 W. 48th St. in New York on the following dates and times:
Saturday, April 15th: 8 PM
Sunday, April 16th: 8 PM
Friday, April 21st: 8 PM
Saturday. April 22nd: 2 PM
Saturday. April 22nd: 8 PM
Sunday, April 23rd: 2 PM
The house opens 20 minutes before curtain times. Cupid's Revenge is approximately 90 minutes long, and will be performed without an intermission. Come early and enjoy live music performed by the cast.
Tickets are available through Brown Paper Tickets at For more information please visit us online at Questions may be directed to, or by calling us at (646) 598-2128 between 10 AM and 6 PM.
Of Cupid's Revenge, director Angelina LaBarre says "With Cupid's Revenge, we see the forms we've grown so accustomed to with Shakespeare being reshaped into something different. This play is both a romantic comedy and revenge tragedy . . . . its plotlines run across each other in such a fashion that the audience remains off-kilter through to the end of the play. You think you know what you're getting yourself into with Cupid's Revenge, but you don't until the last body hits the floor."
About Bad Quarto Productions: Bad Quarto Productions was founded in 2010 to explore the rarely performed plays of Shakespeare's time, and the ways in which Shakespeare's staging techniques can inform modern theatrical productions. The company has produced the earliest printed version of Romeo and Juliet and The Taming of a Shrew ("a shrew" not "the shrew"); the first performance of The Merry Devil of Edmonton in the modern era; and The Ballad of Dido, an original musical developed using Shakespearean techniques. Bad Quarto's performance style has found favor with audiences wherever we've played, and we continue to look for new ways of bridging the gap between Shakespeare's theatre and our own.
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