Name: Peter Douglas
Hometown: Potomac, MarylandTell us (2-3 sentences) about your role in Freeway.
I play Will's (played by Sawyer Spielberg) Inner Voice. At times, I express what Will is actively thinking, but not saying. At other times, I make suggestions, supporting or questioning him depending on the situation. It's like being both ego and id, and it's a bit schizophrenic.
How did you decide to become an actor?
So many influences, but mainly I think acting stemmed from being bullied, finding joy and solace in my own imagination and then discovering a community of theater misfits who embraced me for all those things that made me a target for bullies. The theater is home.
What inspires you?
Everything. Art, music, people, especially. I love people watching. A brilliant acting teacher once told me to observe and consume everything. I suppose I'm most inspired when I see people in moments of great honesty and integrity.
What do you wish you'd known before you became an actor?
I wish I'd known in my gut what I knew in my mind: that I am always enough. It took years to trust that, and the process is ongoing.
Three words to describe your experience in Freeway.
Joyful. Inspiring. Affirming.
What's next?
I'm appearing on the new season of Bosch, raising money for a feature - The Monarch of Crystal Falls - and looking for a play to do. If I could, I'd live in a theater.
Learn more about Peter at IMDb and on Instagram
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Jen Rudin is an award-winning writer, casting director and author of Confessions of a Casting Director: Help Actors Land any Role with Secrets from Inside the Audition Room and visit and and @RudinJen.