The virtual show includes monologues, poems, confessions, and Saviana's over 100 photos of the US Flag displayed in New York in the aftermath of 9/11.
Saviana Stanescu is a 20-year-old American playwright and a 40+-year-old Romanian writer.
She spent her formative years during Ceaușescu's dictatorship in Romania, protested in the streets at the Revolution in 1989, and worked as a journalist in the free millennial press.
Saviana arrived in New York on August 23, 2001, with a Fulbright fellowship, to complete an MA in Performance Studies and an MFA in Dramatic Writing at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. She is now an acclaimed playwright, poet, and ARTivist, author of "Aliens with Extraordinary Skills", "Ants", "Lenin's Shoe", "Hurt", "Useless", and other plays centering the immigrant experience. Winner of New York Innovative Theatre Award for Outstanding Play ("Waxing West") and Best Romanian Play of the Year ("Inflatable Apocalypse"), Saviana's work has been widely produced off-Broadway, regionally, and internationally.,
"Alien with Extraordinary Skills" is an autobiographical performative lecture that documents and reflects upon Saviana's Romanian/Roma/Balkan journey from living under a totalitarian system to the fall of the Iron Curtain, 9/11 in New York, immigration, grandparents crossing borders and borders crossing them, gentrification, starving artists, an imaginary dinner with Karl Marx, and post-pandemic East/West Village.
The virtual show - a performative memoir? - includes monologues, poems, confessions, and Saviana's over 100 photos of the US Flag displayed in New York in the aftermath of 9/11, investigating how objects perform identity, while questioning the power dynamics between countries and people.
This political yet humorous work-in-progress offers a unique perspective of a multi-rooted "extraordinary alien" who continues to challenge stereotypes, borders, and herself.
Tickets HERE
- diary of a playwright without borders -
Created/Written/Performed by Saviana Stanescu
Video Design and Editing by Darya Gauthier
Premieres on Friday, June 25, at 7 pm EDT
(available on demand until June 30)