The acclaimed play A Brooklyn Boy, a one man show co-written and performed by Steven Prescod and co-written and directed by Moises Roberto Belizario, will have its official Off-Off-Broadway opening night on Thursday, February 15, 2018. A Brooklyn Boy is now in previews at the East Village Playhouse (340 East 6th Street).
"I am overjoyed to bring A Brooklyn Boy to my incubator, the East Village Playhouse," said Prescod. "It is such a blessing that my one man show has a place to grow, and I can't wait for audiences to experience my story with the newest version of A Brooklyn Boy."
A Brooklyn Boy is a riveting spoken-word performance that portrays Steven Prescod's coming-of-age story, taking audiences on a journey from adversity to personal triumph. Born in Brooklyn's Bedford Stuyvesant neighborhood to a Grenadian mother and a Guyanese father, Steven was only one year old when his father was incarcerated. Steven grew up in a house surrounded by a variety of relatives who all had an impact on his life, many of whom are among the 32 characters he plays throughout the show.
As an impressionable teenager, despite his efforts to break free from his neighborhood's unyielding grip, Steven was constantly pulled back, ultimately leading to his arrest. While facing a seven-year jail sentence, Steven could have become another statistic or headline. Instead, he took a second chance at life.
Called "inspirational" by Prince William, an excerpt of the show was performed for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge through The CityKids Foundation. That performance led to a production at the National Black Theatre and a tour of school performances.
Performances for A Brooklyn Boy run Thursdays and Fridays at 7pm, and Saturdays at 2pm and 7pm. Tickets are $40 and available through
Pictured: Steven Prescod