YANK!, the acclaimed 2010 Off-Broadway show, centering on two WWII soldiers who happen to fall in love in the midst of deployment, is finally set to receive a cast album. Creators David and Joseph Zellnik recently turned to Kickstarter to help raise $35,000 for the recording, which is also being partially financed by the Grammy-nominated PS Classics.
On Wednesday, Aug 21 (7pm), The Duplex will host a special benefit concert to support the making of an original cast album for "Yank!" Hear 3 new songs written for Broadway as well as cut songs from along the way and stories of the making of "Yank!"
There is a $25 cover & a two drink mimimum.
YANK! is billed as: "Set during World War II, [the show] chronicles the relationship between two servicemen long before "Don't-ask-don't-tell" was part of the national discussion. With a lively score inspired by the pop sounds of the 1940's, Yank! captures the spirit and exuberance of the era as it explores questions of prejudice, courage and survival.
To make a donation, head on over to YANK!'s official Kickstarter page.
Photo Credit: Carol Rosegg