The show will now close on Sunday, November 3, extended one week from the original date of October 27.
New Jersey Repertory Company and 59E59 Theaters have announced an extended run of James Hindman’s one-man show, What Doesn’t Kill You due to popular demand. Written and performed by James Hindman and directed by Suzanne Barabas, the show will now close on Sunday, November 3, extended one week from the original date of October 27.
In this rousing true story, stage and screen veteran James Hindman is a man of a certain age who finds himself paralyzed by self-doubt, when a serious health scare upends his life. Luckily he isn’t the type to let a life-threatening heart attack dampen his spirits… or his obsession with Cher.
This fast-paced, one-man extravaganza moves between characters to tell a story that bounces from light-hearted camp to poignant reflections on life’s greatest challenges. The Irish Times called his performance “stagecraft and storytelling at its best.”
Post-performance talkbacks will be held following shows on Friday, October 18 and Friday, October 25 with James Hindman.