With divorce rates soaring and golf clubs flying (cough, cough, Tiger Woods), now is the perfect time for Miss Abigail to bring her expert relationship advice to New York City in Miss Abigail's Guide to Dating, Mating and Marriage! The open-ended engagement-starring TV's Jan Brady, Eve Plumb, and her sexy sidekick, Manuel Herrera-will begin previews on Thursday, October 7, 2010, with opening night set for Sunday, October 24, 2010, at the Downstairs Cabaret Theater at Sofia's (221 West 46th Street, next to the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre).
During the opening week of the show, Miss Abigail is offering "Pro Bono" assistance to anyone who has been married three times or more. Producer Ken Davenport will give two complimentary tickets to the show to anyone with proof of at least three marriages. Accepted forms of proof include divorce papers, alimony checks, attorney bills, incriminating photos or your actual exes. Additionally, Miss Abigail, today, extends a personal invitation to Tiger Woods to attend a free, private performance. To apply for Miss Abigail's Pro Bono assistance visit www.MissAbigailsGuide.com. Written by Ken Davenport (Altar Boyz, My First Time, The Awesome 80s Prom) and Sarah Saltzberg (25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee), Miss Abigail's Guide to Dating, Mating and Marriage is based on Abigail Grotke's popular book-the comedy's namesake-that promises "classic advice for contemporary dilemmas." Davenport directs as Miss Abigail takes you back to a simpler time, before booty calls and speed-dating, back when the divorce rate wasn't 50 percent and Fidelity was more than an investment firm.Videos