Top Theory Productions and Denise Marsa Productions announce their collaboration on the New York production of The Pass, a musical. Scott Finlayson, principal of Top Theory Productions, is best known for his work first as the Senior General Manager and then as the Chief Operating Officer of the Off-Broadway long-running production of Blue Man Group in the East Village. Prior to that Finlayson was the Director of Entertainment Operations at Universal Studios in Los Angeles. Finlayson will prepare all finances, and handle expectations relating to budget, potential audience and earnings, as the team set out to engage a production company and investors. The goal is to book a 4-8 week run in a downtown Off-Broadway theater.
Originally staged in London, with the help of Marsa's music publisher BMG Rights Management, British audiences had the chance to be part of the show's first incarnation, as it took center stage last September at The Playground Theatre. The show ran for two nights and received enthusiastic reviews from various media journalists and attendees. Marsa shares, "I was fairly surprised at the reviews and the positive response the show received. You just never know how people will react. London was my testing ground, as I had my biggest success as a recording artist, many years ago, in the UK. After the second show, Peter Tate, the Artistic Director of The Playground Theatre, made me promise him I would continue to bring the show to audiences. That moment had a profound impact on me."
The Pass is driven by original songs Marsa has written and features vignettes describing various situations and outcomes Marsa has found herself in throughout her career. Focusing on her own struggles and triumphs, the show's message is all about not giving up and about being yourself, no matter what. The perspective shines a light on what one will and will not do for success.
The Pass will have a special preview performance on Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at St. John's in the Village. Visit website for more info: