A partnership of Lake Tappan Entertainment and the nationally recognized Music Man Theatrical, located in Lavallette, NJ is opening its doors Friday thru Sunday, February 8th -10th, for a limited dessert theatre run of Neil Simon and Marvin Hamlisch's 1979 Tony-nominated musical, They're Playing Our Song. The production will move to New York City for two Off-Off-Broadway/Equity Showcase performances at The Producers' Club, located at 358 W. 44th St., on Thurs. and Sat., Feb. 21st & 23rd.
The semi-autobiographical musical comedy, based on the real-life relationship of Hamlisch & Sager, follows the story of wisecracking composer Vernon Gersch after he is introduced to new & offbeat lyricist Sonia Walsk. While the match is initially not one made in heaven, the two dynamic personalities undergo a series of amusing trials and tribulations and overcome a number of hurdles before realizing their true love for one another by the final curtain. In New Jersey, performances begin at 8:00pm on Friday and Saturday and at 2:30pm on Sunday. All NJ performances are preceded by a dessert hour starting at 7:00pm and 1:30pm, respectively. In NYC, both performances have 8:00pm curtain times.The ticket price is $20 at both locations. NJ tickets include the performance, a choice of dessert, and bottomless coffee/tea. NYC tickets include the performance only. Seats are limited at both venues, and reservations are advised. To order tickets, call TheatreMania at 866-811-4111, OR go online to www.njmusicman.com.