TheatreRats will proudly present the 3rd Annual Chester Horn Short Play Festival, featuring the award-winning directors and playwrights from last year's event, as well as a host of new talent from across the country. The Festival will showcase twelve 10-15 minute plays at the Medicine Show Theatre, 549 West 52nd St (between 10 & 11 Aves) from September 27-30. The festival is performed in two series, each with 6 shows.
"With submissions from as far away as Australia and Ireland, and selections from across the country, TheatreRats is striving to continue its tradition of playing to full houses and showcasing some of the best short theater written today. Again this year, the Festival will include top-notch pieces from authors who've been produced around the world," state press notes, "The festival takes its name from Ruby's grandfather, the late Chester Horn, whose generous support enabled TheatreRats to create a venue for writers, directors and artists to collaborate and celebrate theatre."
SERIES A: September 27 & 29 at 8PM; September 30 at 2PM
Child's Play by
Kolby Granville and Ry Herman, Directed by Helen Huff
The Edge by
Latrisse Goffigan, Directed by Paul Nicholas
Following by
Justin Warner (book) and Adam Gwon (music and lyrics), Directed by Patrick
Michael Wickham
Brushstroke by
John Shanahan, Directed by Bill Brown
Male Man by Pamela
Turner, Directed by Lori Kee
The M Word by
Steve Lee and Mary Steelsmith
SERIES B: September 28 at 8PM; September 29 at 2PM; and September 30 at 5PM
The Daylight Zone
by Jan O'Connor, Directed by Jonathan Libman
Aviation Blonde by
Mark Dietrich Wyss, Directed by Kevin Jones
The House of Nazareth by Michael Ruby,
Directed by Keith Oncale
In The Jar by Mark
Harvey Levine, Directed by Marcus Jones
The Usual by
Barbara Lindsay, Directed by Katherine Vecchio
Love and Death in the
Time of Crayola by Dennis Schebetta, Directed by Jessica Newton
Tickets can be purchased for $18 at the door or online; visit for tickets or more information.