The reading is created by the Al Límite Collective, directed by Dennis Yueh-Yeh Li, in collaboration with The Living Theatre and The Martin E. Segal Theatre Center.
Join in for an American Premiere reading of the 1935 very first play by Albert Camus, written collectively with Jeanne-Paule Sicard, Yves Bourgeois and Alfred Poignant for Camus's anti-fascist Théâtre du Travail (Workers' Theatre) in Algiers, (Algeria) where he was born.
1933. Election night in Spain. A victory of the far-right, followed by a revolutionary general strike by miners who rejected the results. Madrid, with General Franco wanting in the wings, sends the military to repress the rebellion. After two weeks of heavy, armed fighting 2,000 people died: about 1,500 miners, 250 policeman and soldiers, 200 individuals, 50 priests. The Spanish Army of Africa brutally repressed the rebellion, which became the prelude to the Spanish Civil War.
Director: Dennis Yueh-Yeh Li
Dramaturge: Tom Walker
Camera Operator: Joseph Eusebio
Pre-recorded Readers: Brad Hamers, Soraya Broukhim, Monica Hunken, Jessica Daugherty
Readers: Toney Brown, Shan Y Chuang, Sanam Erfani, Andie Lerner, Christian Elán Ortiz, Jeremy Rafal, Troy Segala, Shadow
Translation by Roberto Rochin, commissioned by Frank Hentschker, The Martin E. Segal Theatre Center. Idea: Juan Puntes, White Box.