The Drama Desk award-winning TADA! Youth Theater presents Sleepover, a hilariously modern musical, from November 16 to December 2, 2018. Sleepover tackles all the hairy situations in the glorious stage of tween-hood. While Simone frets about not fitting in because she's new to NYC and doesn't know anyone at the party, Mia worries about whom to invite. As for the boys? They're plotting a way to crash the party.
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Sleepover's book is by Philip Freedman, with music and lyrics by Jim Beloff. The production is directed and choreographed by Joanna Greer, TADA!'s Associate Artistic Director and Resident Choreographer, with music direction by Matthew Gregory.
Since 1984, TADA!'s mission is to provide young people from different backgrounds with musical theater programs that inspire them to be creative, learn, and think differently. A unique Drama Desk award-winning nonprofit youth theater, TADA! produces original musicals for children, teens, and family audiences. TADA! offers a free, year-round, pre-professional training and a positive youth development program for its Resident Youth Ensemble (ages 8-18); musical theater classes/camps for the public; as well as musical theater residencies in NYC schools and community centers. Through high-quality work, young people's self-confidence and creativity are enhanced. They also develop advanced skills in leadership, communication, responsibility, collaboration, and problem-solving - skills that help with growing up and are essential to their success both in school and in life.