Set against the backdrop of a small Maryland beach town, "Too Late" is a story of betrayal and forgiveness, of despair and hope... of love. The Lacey family struggles through an August they will never forget as the sudden death of the youngest family member threatens to destroy four generations of their already fractured family.
"Too Late" premieres off-Broadway on July 16, and runs for 5 evening performances at the Poet's Den Theater in the East Harlem Arts District. For more details, go to
Despite a patriarch suffering from dementia, an aunt finding comfort in alcohol, and an uncle and his son sorting through their troubled relationship, the family searches for the truth. When the deceased's absentee father shows up to 'set the record straight' with his son's mother, things only get more interesting.
"Too Late" is written and directed by Nigel Barto, a Caribbean American playwright, novelist, and poet. Starring: Robert Starks, Dondrie Burnham, Wanda Nobles Colon, Adrian Luke Sinclair, Dennis Johnson, Anthony Harper, James Egbuta, Ishani Das, and Stacey Clarke
The Poet's Den Theater is located at 309 E 108th Street New York, NY. For tickets, click Admission: $49 general; $69 (Opening Night & Reception); $39 (Students on Wed Only). The show will run: Tues, 7/16/13 8:00pm (Opening Night & Reception); Wed, 7/17/13 8:00pm (Student Night); Thur, 7/18/13 8:00pm; Fri, 7/19/13 8:00pm; and Sat, 7/20/13 8:00pm (Closing Night).
For more about the show, email, or follow on Twitter @NigelBarto #TooLateThePlay.