The show features 75 magical puppets designed and built by Rockefeller Studios, and music by Nate Edmondson.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show will be extended off Broadway and tickets are now on sale through July 2nd. Performances will take place at the DR2 Theatre, 101 East 15th Street in Union Square.
Created and directed by Jonathan Rockefeller, the show recently celebrated its 3500 worldwide performances with sold out shows in Australia, New Zealand, China, Singapore, Dubai, Belgium, United Kingdom, Canada, Luxemburg, Netherlands and in New York City. This engagement marked The Very Hungry Caterpillar's return to New York at the DR2 Theatre.
Children and families will see author Eric Carle's beautifully imagined stories come to life at this very special event featuring a variety of enchanting puppets and special audience participation elements. Plus, all attendees will have the opportunity of taking a photo with The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Rockefeller said "After bringing the show across the globe, we are thrilled to have brought the Hungry Caterpillar to NYC and the DR2 Theatre and even more thrilled at the critical and audience reaction to the show which has prompted this extension. There is something so very special about Eric Carle's work that allows so many children to experience the magic of theatre for the very first time - with a character they love".
The show features 75 magical puppets designed and built by Rockefeller Studios, and music by longtime Rockefeller collaborator Nate Edmondson. The book written by Eric Carle features four Eric Carle stories. This production is associate directed by Vicki Oceguera, with set design by Tyler Schank, and lighting design by Jeremy Burd. Casting by Cindi Rush Casting.
Performance schedule is as follows: Fridays at 10:00am; Saturdays & Sundays at 9:30am, 11:30am, 1:30pm and 3:30pm. Tickets are priced at $39-$99 and can be purchased through online or by calling 212-239-6200 or 800-447-7400. There is stroller parking in the lobby for the very young audience members.