The producers of the raucous, irreverent, and unfiltered new Off-Broadway musical comedy The Last Smoker in America, previously announced they would host the first ever Smoke-In/Smoke-Outon the occasion of the show's opening night, tonight, August 2, 2012.
On one side of this dueling event, smokers wishing to give up the habit will be encouraged to throw away their packs of cigarettes and quit cold turkey. These discarded cigarettes will be collected and delivered to the other side of the event, where nicotine enthusiasts will be invited to puff away on them, guilt-free, among like-minded smokers. All of Broadway's iconic smokers are welcome to participate, on either side of the event, including but not limited to: Vanessa Redgrave, Lauren Bacall, John Larroquette and more, as well as anonymous members of the public.
Come join The Last Smoker in America and the first ever Smoke-In/Smoke-Out set for today, August 2nd in front of The Westside Theatre (407 West 43rd Street). Festivities begin at 5:30 p.m.
The Last Smoker in America delivers explosive satire and smoking wit, along with a thrilling rock score that will leave you craving for more. In a world where smoking has recently been outlawed and the penalties are growing stricter by the minute, Pam is having an impossible time trying to quit. Her nosy, anti-smoking zealot neighbor Phyllis is on a mission to catch transgressors mid-puff. Will Pam kick the habit or fight for her right to light up?
Tickets are priced at $85.00 and are available through, or by calling 212-239-6200. For more information about the show, visit